Dr. Corinne Allen and affects of KANGEN WATER on the Brain

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Can Water Help With Alzheimer's? Listen To One Man's Story
November 16th, 2009
Kangen Water A Vast Assist To Alzheimer’s Therapeutics <http://edoktus.com/kangen-water-a-vast-assist-to-alzheimers-therapeutics/>
November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Sixteen million people worldwide endure the disease. In the Fall 2009 edition of the New York City chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association Quarterly Bulletin was a featured article by freelance writer, Sally Laden, M.S., a authority in clinical therapeutics. It’s a far-reaching piece with a outstanding vision. For me, a very poor account of the kind of scientific treatment to come. We believe that Kangne Water can help.
My interest in Alzheimer’s Disease [AD] stems from my mother’s war with it. She fought the brave fight for nearly 10 years before she died from its complications. My disillusionment in this article was its shallow and narrow content that drew me in with a hopeful statement, “Research in diagnosis, genetics, and drug treatment is moving forward at a rapid pace.”¹
Ms. Laden went on to account, “…if disease modifying drugs are to be effective in slowing or stopping Alzheimer’s disease, they should be administered early in the course of the disease, ideally before symptoms become apparent.” Not once was prevention by any different means mentioned. Not once was a healthy diet addressed. Not once was the importance of water in relationship to the brain suggested. Not once was appropriate exercise discussed. And not once was affecting healthy blood flow to the brain a considered protocol.¹
A degenerative illness, the precise cause of Alzheimer’s Disease is still unknown. Yet, there has been examination that the Alzheimer’s Association doesn’t address. Clues point to nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin B-12 and Zinc are often at low levels. The B vitamins are important in cognitive functioning while it is well known that processed foods lack these critically important and essential nutrients.²
Compounding the problem is malabsorption. A common problem among the elderly, it makes them prone to these nutritional deficiencies. On the positive side, electrolyzed water (
Ionized Enagic Kangen Water) can play a promising role in alleviating this inadequacy when it facilitates the body’s absorption of crucial nutrients and minerals.
With so much benefit to be gained from a proper diet and exercise, it’s regrettable that a publication like the association’s bulletin with so much influence in the Alzheimer’s community overlooks key natural components that influence overall health and well-being. Our bodies are much like a machine. When it begins to break down we need to feed it with what it needs to keep running. It must be tended to with its most major and necessary elements-food and water. We feel that
Enagic Kangen Water is the best water you can put in your body bar none. So why are most of the conversations, dialogues and articles only about drugs? I think that you can make your own judgment on that one.

¹Sally Laden, M.S., Alzheimer’sResearch: A Moving Target, Alzheimer’s Association New York City Chapter,Volume 33, 2009, pgs. 5-7.
²Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and James F. Balch, M.D. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. New York: Penguin PutnamInc., 2000.
L’Eau Kangen est anti-oxydante
Ll'eau KANGEN est anti-oxydante, soit anti-âge, anti-vieillissement, par opposition à l’oxydation (vieillissement) comme l'exemple de la pomme que l'on coupe en deux, et qui brunit. Pour stopper l’oxydation, on ajoute du jus de citron (anti-oxydant), et l'oxydation est immédiatement stoppée. Voilà pourquoi l'eau KANGEN (anti-oxydante) va protéger votre corps contre l'oxydation (vieillissement).
Exclusion de Responsabilité
Les informations et les produits présentés ici proposent des méthodes prophylactiques pour la santé et confortent les efforts personnels dans ce domaine.
Les personnes qui y recourent le font de leur propre initiative.
Le distributeur n’a pas l’intention de poser des diagnostics ou d’émettre des recommandations thérapeutiques. En cas de problèmes de santé, les procédés conseillés ne sauraient remplacer un traitement médical professionnel. Nos produits ne se substitue en aucun cas aux conseils avisés d’un médecin ou d’un praticien. Il est recommendé que vous discutiez avec votre médecin ou praticien des informations contenues ici. Vous devrez, dans tous les cas, vous conformer à leurs conseils.
Le distributeur, son représentant ou ses employés se déchargent de toute responsabilité pour les recommandations et les méthodes émises dans ce site WEB.
Les radicaux libres : ennemis de la santé
Excellent Article tiré d’ici: <http://www.masantenaturelle.com/chroniques/chroniques2/radicaux-libres.php>
D’après les recherches scientifiques, les radicaux libres seraient impliqués dans l’apparition de nombreuses maladies telles:
Les maladies dégénératives telles que la sclérose en plaques et la maladie d’Alzheimer.
Lesa radicaux libres détruisent l'ADN des cellules, causent le cancer et bien d'autres problèmes de santé.
On redoute les radicaux libres parce qu'i possède une capacité d'oxydation très forte, plus forte que l'oxygène normal.
L'eau Kangen est anti-oxydante.